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Healthy Memory Function as You Age

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Getting older can bring many changes, both physically and mentally. Even when you’re healthy, your brain and body start slowing down. Maintaining your cognitive health—the ability to clearly think, learn, and remember—is essential for your overall well-being. Many things influence memory health. Your genes, lifestyle, and environment can all impact your thinking skills and ability to perform everyday tasks.

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Why Stress Can Kill You and What You Can do to Reduce It

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Stress and anxiety are a normal part of our everyday life. Taking a few moments out to ponder over things that make you stressed and how this stress affects your health is vital for early diagnosis and prompt treatment of your body condition.

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This Scale Can Make You Lose Weight

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4 Ways Poor Dental Care Can Make You Sick

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5 Skin Friendly Foods

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For healthy, younger looking skin, eat these 5 skin friendly foods …and avoid this one…

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Joint Discomfort? 5 Must-Follow Exercise Rules

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Proven: High Systolic Blood Pressure Is an Important Warning

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Do You Smell Worried?

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Destroy Any Good Bacteria Lately?

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Well, This Explains Your Sugar Jones

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Odds Are High Your Potassium Is Low

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Why Teen Age Girls and Your Feet Love Flip Flops

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When It Comes to Hand Washing, Drying Matters, Too

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Please Don’t “Me Too” the Hard of Hearing

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Stress Leads to Grayness

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Real Detox—Lose Some Fat

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Walk the Dog, But Don’t Fall

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Longer, Better Health—Could It Be This Easy?

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Let Your Foot Pick Your Shoe

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Facemasks, Particle Size, and Your Chances of Catching COVID-19

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Breathe Well Now, You May Need It Later

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Has the Sleep Shift Disrupted Your Routine?

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Ear Wax: No Pictures, Just Results

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It’s hard to read a news story on your computer when the page shows someone retrieving a wad of earwax. Ugh. So we won’t.

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The Keys to Keeping a Big Brain for the Rest of Your Life

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Sweat Is Valuable

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Thinking Your Back Pain Away

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This Processed Food Is Good for You

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Fire Your Treadmill

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Face Masks Aren’t Doing What You Thought

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Risk, Reward and Making Good Health Decisions

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Rest Easy and Remember More

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Put Your BP Medicine on Your Nightstand for Best Results

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Shallots Are the Healthy Onion You Should Get to Know Better

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Your Resting Heart Rate Tells a Story About You

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Today I Got Up Because…

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Does Food Entrapment Make Us Fat?

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Keep It A Happy Holidays for Pets

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Caregiver Power - You Can Be a Placebo, Too

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Sit Down to Stay Upright

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A New and Surprising Reason to Love Sunscreen

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Just a Little Running Pays Big Dividends

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How to Help a Depressed Friend

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Fun Ways to Help Your Heart

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Why this Breakthrough Medical Study into Alzheimer’s is Being Called the "Big Bang"

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Five-minute neck scan can spot dementia 10 years earlier

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We Still Don’t Know the Upper Limits of How Long We Can Live, says Study

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New Therapeutic Strategy Allows Some Cancers to be Controlled

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A new study carried out by researchers at the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Research Center in Tampa, suggests that Low-dose chemotherapy may be more effective than standard chemotherapy in the treatment of some cancers.

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Glucosamine Supplements May Reduce Cardiovascular Risk

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Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the adult population. It is estimated that three of every ten deaths that occur worldwide are directly related to cardiovascular diseases, the most prevalent being stroke, coronary heart disease, and heart failure.

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New Blood Test Can Predict Heart Attacks Years In Advance

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Drugs Used Against Heartburn Increase Risk of Premature Death

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Society is accustomed to taking medications to relieve a headache, muscle pain, an upset stomach, and even a nervous breakdown.

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Seven Health Indicators that Help Predict the Risk of Developing Heart Disease

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Alert: Paracetamol Found in Tylenol Reduces Human Empathy

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Two long-term clinical studies reveal that Tylenol eliminates not only the pain but also human empathy, which adds to its long list of adverse

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Stanford Team Develops Brain-Rejuvenating Antibodies That Let Old Mice Think Like Youngsters

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Antibiotic-Resistant Infections can be Killed by Genetically Engineered Viruses


You will Sleep Like Never Before with this Hydration Schedule

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Exercise Helps You Live Better for Longer

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Do You Have a Vitamin B12 Deficiency?

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According to studies of the Mayo Clinic, between 15-20% of adults have low levels of vitamin B12, this deficit develops slowly and is more common in the

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Constipated? Try Eating a Mango


Cellular Kill Code Discovery May Help Extinguish Cancers

Cancer is one of the most devastating diseases that affect the human being since it implies a great physical and mental deterioration of the patient and their relatives. In recent years, many investigations have been carried out for the treatment and prevention of cancer, one of the most interesting recent findings is the evaluation of the role played by the immune system in the destruction of cancer cells.

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Coconut oil is not healthy according to the American Heart Association

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Science May Be On The Verge Of Curing AIDS!

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Nightmarish Drug-Resistant Fungal Infections Threaten To Become Pandemic

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Treating Cancer and Autoimmune Diseases by Manipulating Immune Cells

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What Causes Glaucoma? Scientists May Have Finally Figured It Out

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Steam treatment reduces enlarged prostate

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What can I do to prevent kidney stones?

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Baking Soda Could be a Solution for Rheumatoid Arthritis and Stop Autoimmune Responses!

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Inflammation Can Ensure a Long and Healthy Life

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Human evolution is still happening – possibly faster than ever

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Biogen Kills Late-Stage Trial Of Its Alzheimer’s Drug

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Ugly Toenails Can Be Fixed

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Sweet Fix, How Much Sugar Is OK?

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Beet Juice to Jump Higher and Bike Longer

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How to Think Your Way to Better Sex

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Tart Cherries Bring Sweet Sleep

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Baby Powder Replacements You’ll Love

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Aspirin, Who Should Take It, Who Should Not

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Are Gut Bacteria The Key To Healthy Aging?

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Reducing Anxiety through a Simple Tapping Exercise

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Sneeze and Pee, How Embarrassing

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Eating Healthy with Farm-Raised Fish

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Move More, Live Better for Longer

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How Much Fiber Should We Eat To Prevent Diseases?

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MSG Myths and Facts

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Oatmeal Revised – Still a Premium Source of Fiber

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Seeing Better Prevents Falls, Especially If You’re 50+

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Probiotics Helped My Nervous Dog Calm Down

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As Effective Antibiotics Fail, This Research Could Help

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How to Do 40 Pushups When You Can’t Crack One

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Resveratrol + Exercise Renews Youth in Muscles

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Walking Is Good for You, And This Makes It Better

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Few activities have as much to say for themselves as walking does. It’s suitable for anyone age 2 to 100. You can meditate and gain peace while ambling around, or you can socialize and laugh while you walk with friends. Beyond suitable shoes, you don’t need elaborate gear or training.

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Helping Your Hair Survive Shampoo and Sunlight

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Why Your Food Should Mostly Be Processed

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The Lowest-Cal Healthy Fat You Should Start Using

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Prevent Bloating, Gas, and Stomach Pain—This Is What Most Doctors Miss

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How to Make Bloat Go Away Fast

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Vitamins, Minerals, Antioxidants That Help You Lose Weight

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How Not to Smell Like an Old Person

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Let Us Praise Sleep and Get More of It

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Those Expensive Eggs Might Be Worth It—If You Have the Right Ones

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Hands Hurt? Bring on the Frankincense

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Exercise Builds a Reserve Against Alzheimer’s

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Remembering Pain Makes It Worse. Now, Guess Who Remembers It Best

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Oh No, Canada... Chocolate's Not Health Food?

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Expired Vitamins Might Be OK, But... Here's What to Trust

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How To Tai Chi When You Can't Find a Teacher

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It Doesn't Plug In or Use a Fan, But This Air Purifier is GMO

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It's All Over Keto, The 2018 Best Diet Loves Its Veggies

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Copy an Athlete, Knees Need Help to Stay Strong

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Squeezing Charmin', Pinching Baby Cheeks, Hugging Puppies... Just Normal Cute Aggression

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What Does Your Balance Reveal About Your Age?

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Ignoring Your Internal Clock Is Risky

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The Rude Truth: Constipation Isn't Funny

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Science Revises Its Brain Training Message Again

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Do We Need to Rethink Organic?

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Baby, It's Cold Outside, Get Your Immunity in Gear

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Advances in Type 2 Diabetes—What's Ahead?

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Healthy sperm is declining everywhere -- except in NYC

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These 70-Year-Olds Have Muscles and Lungs Like 20-Year-Olds—Here's Their Secret

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A Good Reason to Avoid Healthy Recipes

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The oral health-blood pressure connection

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Sleeping In Cars Is Bad for Your Legs

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The itch-scratch-itch cycle

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Seeing Orange Could Keep Insomniacs From Seeing Blue and Maybe Trim the Waist As Well

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Talking truthfully to your doc -- not easy, but essential

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When Your Favorite Things Aren't Needles, Flowers Could Help

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Hungry Mice Live Longer, Hungry People Might, Too

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Merry Sugarness to All

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How to microwave your dinner safely

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A Flu Pandemic Is Bearing Your Way, Should You Sneeze Like Dracula?

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Your Star Supplement Deserves a Brilliant Supporting Cast

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Should You Put Crisco on Your Face?

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When men have body image problems -- and they do!

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Is Your Immune System Trying to Kill You? Rare Disease Might Solve the Pain in Your Knees

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Three Super-Healthy New Things You Can Do with that Orange in Your Fruit Bowl

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Vitamin D delivers newly discovered benefits

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Containing the GERD gremlin

[Image 1] "No food after midnight"! That was one of the "rules" for avoiding trouble that down-and-out Rand (Hoyt Axton) was given when he bought an extraterrestrial fuzzball named Gizmo (voiced by Howie Mandel) in the 1984 comedy-horror film "Gremlins." Unfortunately, the rule was broken (along with "don't get them wet or they reproduce") and the result was an onslaught of ravenous, destructive creatures that turned his family's Christmas into a nightmare.

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Food choices today could affect your great-grandchildren

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Safe sex for folks over 65

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Is your antiperspirant putting you at risk for dementia?

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Eating to tamp down inflammation

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Small improvements, big rewards

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10 Unsuspected Signs Of Liver Failure We Should All Know

[Image 1] Hepatic insufficiency is probably a disease that not many people consider since the general thought is that hepatic diseases afflict only elderly people or with accentuated alcoholic habits. However, liver disease is more common than previously thought: recent studies have determined that 2 out of 10 Americans suffer from a potentially serious variety of liver disease, known to hepatologists as "a silent epidemic of fatty liver disease”.

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Eating whole grains can prevent Type 2 diabetes

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Are your medications triggering depression?

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Staying well-hydrated

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Are you thumbing your nose at thumb arthritis?

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Not enough sleep may be because of stress

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Drinking Modest Amounts Of Baking Soda Can Help Relieve Fatigue, And Muscle Soreness

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Breakthrough Research Indicates Eliminating Retired Cells In The Human Brain Could Prevent Alzheimer's Disease!

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CBT benefits moms with kids who have special needs

To paraphrase something the actress Allison Janney once said: If June Cleaver [Barbara Billingsley] made women in the 1950s and '60s feel bad because they didn't measure up to her all-too-perfect mom character in "Leave it to Beaver," Janney's character on the TV sitcom "Mom" should make moms everywhere feel great!

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The generic EpiPen is on its way

So what do the names Mark Sinclair, Caryn Johnson and Eric Bishop have in common? They sounded too generic -- even though they were the originals -- for their brands, which are better known as Vin Diesel, Whoopi Goldberg and Jamie Foxx.

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Strength training? What to eat when, to lose weight

[Image 1] Last May, 27-year-old Icelander Hafthor Julius Bjornsson, renowned for his role as "The Mountain" Gregor Clegane, in "Game of Thrones," won the World's Strongest Man competition. At 6 feet, 9 inches tall and weighing over 390 pounds, Bjornsson eats eight meals a day, while lifting tons of weights.

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Taking the right steps to live longer and healthier

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To fight an aging brain, cool it!

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Melatonin and its usefulness in sleep disorders

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Spot the clot

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How to Prevent the Widowmaker – the Worst Cardiac Attack

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Prediabetes – the Silent Enemy

[Image 1] With the growth of the population, changes in lifestyle, obesity, and other risk factors, diseases such as diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) and cardiovascular events have increased in parallel; both entities can occur independently or interrelated. DM2 is considered a public health problem, given its high prevalence and its accelerated increase in the last 20 years. The World Health Organization (WHO) has indicated that this increase can be up to 160% in the next 25 years. The support of epidemiological studies and the knowledge that it is possible to identify DM2 in an asymptomatic stage has allowed the development of early detection strategies with economic, simple, and sensitive diagnostic procedures, allowing timely prevention measures.

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Vitamin D, an Ally in the Treatment of Asthma

Vitamin D exerts various functions throughout the body including the immune system. This vitamin is synthesized in the skin when exposed to sunlight. The wide use of sunscreen, a characteristic of modern life, would partly explain the increase in the prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency.

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The Importance of Sleeping Well

Sleep is part of the daily routine, but most people find it difficult to sleep properly at some point in their lives, also known as insomnia. It usually lasts a short period, perhaps when the individual is worried, nervous, or stressed. When these situations disappear, you go back to sleeping normally. However, if the individual cannot return to sleep well, it can be a real problem because sleep keeps our minds and bodies healthy.

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Alzheimer’s and Dementia Linked to High Blood Pressure

Every day, like millions of Americans, Dr. Walter Koroshetz, 65, who directs the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, takes a pill to control his blood pressure. He claims besides the therapeutic benefit of lowering his blood pressure, his medication helps him reduce his risk of dementia and helps keep his brain healthy and sharp.

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Brain Scans Indicate Brain Health Could Be Tied to Feeling Younger Than Your Age

If you feel older than your age, your brain could be telling you to change your lifestyle!

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Breakthrough Research Reveals Role Gut Bacteria May Play in Obesity-related Anxiety and Depression

A connection between obesity, anxiety, and depression has long been suspected by physicians and medical researchers, but the exact reason for the connection in human beings has yet to be proven. However, researchers at Joslin Diabetes Center have released a new animal study that is thought to give a better understanding of the connection between diet, gut bacteria, and mental wellness.

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Probiotics May Provide Stress Relief

A breakthrough study by researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder may have uncovered a type of "good" bacterium that could potentially protect the human brain from the harmful effects of stress. Human clinical trials may lead to probiotic-based treatments against stress, post-traumatic stress disorder, and anxiety.

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4 Essential Nutrients You May Not Be Getting Enough Of

The USDA released its Dietary Guidelines, as well as information on the so-called “shortfall nutrients” that Americans are not getting enough of. Here are four important nutrients you may not be getting enough of and how to get them through the foods you eat.

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Resveratrol: The Anti-Aging Powerhouse That’s Good for the Heart, Brain & Waistline

How do the French eat more fat, sugar and rich foods, plus drink more wine, but still have less heart health issues? The answer to this puzzling question, commonly known as the “french paradox,” is believed to be due to a higher intake of a specific phytonutrient called resveratrol, found naturally in “superfoods” like red wine. Like other antioxidants and phytonutrients, such as lycopene found in tomatoes or lutein found in carrots, resveratrol is a powerful compound that regenerates the body all the way at the cellular level.

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Found: The Link Between Sleep and Heart Health

Forty million Americans suffer from sleep problems, and 29% report averaging less than six hours of sleep a night. 70 million say they suffer from insomnia, while loss of productivity resulting from sleep issues costs U.S. employers $18 million per year.

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How to Beat the Flu

It looks like frequent hand washing or covering your mouth when sneezing may not be the only way to protect yourself from catching a cold or the flu.

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Low-T and the Grim Reaper

Symptoms of low-testosterone such as a decreased sex drive, more belly fat and reduced vitality are alarming on their own... but several research studies are linking low testosterone levels with a higher risk of mortality as well.

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NSAIDs Linked to Increased Risk of Heart Attack in New Study

We've alerted you to this in previous issues, but in light of new research it should be said again...

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Stress Could be Causing Your Digestive Ills

Think about the language you sometime use... and you'll see the connection between stress and digestive health. For example, have you ever had to make a "gut-wrenching" decision? Perhaps you've "choked" under pressure at some time in your life?

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How to Reduce Cholesterol Naturally

Strong circulation depends on a number of factors including a healthy heart, strong vein walls, and ideal levels of both good (HDL) and bad (LDL) cholesterol.

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Are You At Risk for Shingles?

If you had chickenpox as a child or a young teen, you may think you're done with it. But without realizing it, you could be at risk for getting the disease known as "shingles".

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Important Flu Alert! How to Avoid Getting the Flu This Year

The cold and flu season typically runs from October through April often seeing its peak in February. The following information can help you get through these months without getting sick.

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5 Surprising Foods to Boost Your Brain

We’ve all heard that fish is brain food, especially the kind that is rich with omega-3s. Blueberries and spinach also have notable brain-boosting abilities. However, these aren’t the only foods which can help keep your brain strong and free of disease.

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Oxidative Stress and Free Radicals: The Silent Killers

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Sex and Middle Age... Are You Still Having Fun?

If you think turning 45 has to mean the end of having fun in the bedroom, you'll be happy to learn of a new survey conducted by Zogby International on sex after age 45.

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Are You At Risk of Getting Migraines?

If you've ever had a migraine headache, then you know how debilitating they can be. Migraine sufferers typically experience a diminished quality of life along with impaired physical, social and occupational functioning. The pain can be severe.

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Five Ways to a Healthy Gut

1. Increase Fiber Intake

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The Link Between Sleep and Heart Health

Forty million Americans suffer from sleep problems, and 29% report averaging less than six hours of sleep a night. 70 million say they suffer from insomnia, while loss of productivity resulting from sleep issues costs U.S. employers $18 million per year.

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Ways to Add Years to Your Life

We've been told that the only sure things are death and taxes. But just as creative accountants have helped many men triumph over their 1040s, we can help you outrun the reaper. Maybe it's a game you can't ultimately win. But by following these tips, you can send it into overtime.

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The Link Between High Blood Pressure and a Healthy Sex Life

High blood pressure is dangerous and affects many of your daily activities. One of the problems with high blood pressure is that if you have it, you may not feel it. As a result, the absence of symptoms makes it a silent killer, one that can be easy to ignore.

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Take Care of Your Heart!

It goes without saying that as your heart goes, so goes your health. The statistics are sobering. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 600,000 people die of heart disease in the U.S. per year, making it the leading cause of death for both men and women. What’s more, 935,000 Americans have a heart attack each year as well. For 610,000 of these people, it’s their first heart attack, while the others have already had one.

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Important Stroke Information for Women

About 700,000 people suffer a stroke each year in the United States, with stroke being the third leading cause of deaths. Remarkably, studies show that up to 80 percent of strokes can be prevented.

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Foods That Can Lower Testosterone Levels

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism suggests that 25% of men over the age of 30 have low testosterone levels, and that one out of every 20 men have clinical symptoms linked to such a deficiency.

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When Good Medicine Goes Bad... The Dark Side of Antibiotics

Antibiotics were hailed as “miracle drugs” when they first burst onto the scene in 1942 with the introduction of penicillin. Doctors were finally able to subdue life-threatening infections with a single magic bullet.

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7 Foods for Healthy Aging and Longevity

Can you add years to your life by making smarter food choices? Yes! There are many variables involved in how long you live, but by following a healthy lifestyle, staying active and eating a nutrient-packed diet, you can help slow the aging process and perhaps even stave off age-related diseases, including osteoporosis, diabetes and heart disease.

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New Hope for Osteoarthritis Sufferers

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a painful and debilitating joint disease that affects 27 million Americans.

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What Do Resveratrol and Tomatoes Have In Common?

Stroke-related news for both men and women that can potentially save your life...

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Let's Get Social!

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Are You Getting Enough ZZZs?

Researchers Find Link Between Sleep and Testosterone Levels

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Finding Relief from TMJ Pain

According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR), TMJ disorders are the second most common pain-causing musculoskeletal conditions after chronic low back pain.(1)

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10 super foods to help improve blood circulation

The following foods are thought to help healthy circulation

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Top 10 Reasons to Have Sex Tonight

When you're in the mood, it's a sure bet that the last thing on your mind is boosting your immune system or maintaining a healthy weight. Yet good sex offers those health benefits and more.

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Could This Be The Hidden Cause of Your Gut Misery?

Without you realizing it, there could be a hidden danger lurking in the folds of your digestive tract.

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Slim down with Grapefruit Juice? Berkeley Study Adds Weight to Idea

If you’re planning on hitting up your favorite restaurant for a pepperoni pizza or cheeseburger and fries, you may want to swap your chocolate malt for grapefruit juice instead.

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Scientists Have Discovered an on/off Switch for Aging Cells

A recent discovery found in a molecular switch could help control how quick a person ages and whether they'll develop cancer.

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A Common Virus is Eating Your Gut: Bacteria

Prosentials: Suffering with nasty digestive problems? This probiotic formula can make a difference.

The time a person is most human is before birth. After you’re born, the environment’s microbes surround your body and outnumber them by as much as 10 to one.

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Foods That Fight Off an Afternoon Slump

We’ve all experienced that tired feeling after an afternoon lunch. Being unable to focus, a decline in energy levels and wishing you could curl up under your desk with a blanket for a quick nap are just a few cozy thoughts that may be running rampant through your mind. However, important deadlines and group meetings are more vital to your busy day than the slow close of your eyelids.

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10 Tips for Better Digestive Health

[Image 1]There are a number of factors that affect your digestive system such as your lifestyle, stress, and the foods that you choose to eat. Getting the required amount of fiber, drinking plenty of water and exercising can all aid in developing better digestive health. Your body works by breaking down the foods you consume into nutrients and if you fail to be kind to your digestive health, you could run into complications later on.

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12 Foods That Control Your Appetite

When it comes to losing weight, portion control and curtailing the amount of food you eat is important in order to see the best results. However, it can come at the price of hunger pangs and falling off the diet bandwagon in just a matter of weeks.

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5 foods with brain benefits you may not know about

[Image 1]We've all heard that fish is brain food, especially the kind that is rich with omega-3s. Blueberries and spinach also have notable brain-boosting abilities. However, these aren't the only foods which can help keep your brain strong and free of disease.

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The Best Herbal and Nutritional Supplements that Help You Lose Weight

There’s no need to rehash recent pharmaceutical diet drug disasters. Let’s face it; most herbal and nutritional supplements are a lot safer for your system. Your doctor may disagree, but now there are definitive studies on the efficacy of certain herbal and nutritional supplements in weight loss.

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7 Myths (and Outright Lies) About Male Hormones

1. Outright Lie: DHEA is a dangerous “anabolic steroid drug.”

In 2007, a campaign of lies about DHEA was spread in the halls of Congress. Printed material distributed by lobbyists for Big Pharma claimed that DHEA was a dangerous “anabolic steroid drug” and a law was introduced that would make DHEA available by prescription only. Fortunately, due to the activism of many Americans for freedom to take dietary supplements, the law failed to pass.[i]

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7 Nutrients That Help Increase Muscle Tone

When it comes to achieving an awe-inspiring body, calories aren’t the only factor to be taken into consideration. With a mixture of eating the right foods and exercising, you’ll be able to achieve your goal of slimming down and building strong muscles.

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12 Foods That Help You Fall (and Stay) Asleep!

According to the National Sleep Foundation, close to 60 percent of individuals across the United States say they have a problem sleeping every night. While it can be frustrating tossing and turning, you’ll find that a sleepless night can also cause certain health issues and weight gain, especially in the abdomen. Failing to get enough sleep is a unique form of stress that causes the body to respond with a chronic one. However, an overlooked approach to sleep restoration is through a healthy diet. The following foods will contribute to a restful evening of sleep and allow you to remain that way throughout the entire night.

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7 Times When Food is the Answer

While stuffing your face with food can bring momentary satiation, you’ll find it can fill you with remorse later on. However, noshing on fortifying foods can lead to greater satisfaction with every bite you take.

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10 Tips for Everlasting Energy

The following proven tips will help jump start your day and allow you to feel energized!

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5 Super Food Alternatives

If you’re looking to change up your food habits, you’ll find the following options an exciting alternative.

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11 Surprising Facts About Your Heart

Straight from the Heart

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Top 10 Anti-aging Tips

You’ll have to learn some important anti-aging secrets that are centered round the body, mind and spirit mantra, if you plan on living an active and healthy life well past your 80s. Interdependent activities such as stimulating the mind to lighten the mood and exercising the body to obtain a sharper mind shows how the aspects of a healthy life are dependent on the other.

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The 14 Best Things You Can Do for Your Body


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Can Staying Positive Extend Your Life?

The latest study in Lancet medical journal has strengthened the belief that a positive outlook can keep cancer at bay and give new hope to staying alive. Six dozen patients who were recovering from breast cancer were the basis for the study. The individuals who showed a fighting spirit and reacted to their situation positively had a better survival rate and reduced signs of residual cancer than the people who experienced feelings of despair and hopelessness. Additional studies seem to back this evidence up, allowing the optimal benefits to get admitted into the medical doctrine.

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Why Women’s Immune Systems Are Stronger Than Men’s

The age old stereotype of women overreacting has been long touted. However, there could be a smidge of truth to it when you’re talking about their immune system.
A new study has found that the immune system in women is significantly stronger than a man’s when it comes to their reaction to the flu vaccine. Women of various age groups had a higher antibody production rate and a raise in the inflammatory cytokine count than their male counterparts.

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Depression May Accelerate the Aging Process of our Cells, Study Finds

Depression may have harmful effects on more than just the mind per the latest findings. Physical conditions linked to depression typically include heart disease, cancer and type 2 diabetes. However, new research has shown that it may accelerate the way a person ages at a cellular level.

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How Sleep Clears the Brain of Toxins

The latest studies have found that the brain gets rid of toxic materials through its cells after a good night’s rest. They also concluded that there is a biological purpose to sleeping and that waste disposal may be at the center of its restorative properties.

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5 Things Super Successful People Do Before 8 A.M.

Love it or hate it, morning time is inevitable, and taking advantage of the early bird hours before you head to work can hold the key to a healthy, happy and successful lifestyle. This common trait is found in some of the most influential early risers around the globe such as CEOs, government officials and world leaders who were known to get up before the crack of dawn. While most individuals think that they are at their best in the evening, a recent study concluded that people were more productive and energetic in the morning. The health benefits for morning revelers were also significant. The following are five productive activities successful individuals find to do before 8 a.m.

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Could A Daily Dose Of Red Wine Reduce One's Risk Of Depression?

Individuals over the age of 55 were the subjects of a new study and found that those who consumed an average glass of wine per day were found to be less clinically depressed than people who either drank more alcohol or those who didn’t drink any. This poses a direct contrast to earlier findings that concluded a correlation between alcohol and an increased risk of depression. Before you head to your favorite local restaurant for happy hour, you need to understand the risks involved and reasons behind the latest study.

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The Secret to Staying Motivated

Stop focusing on losing weight! You’ll find the following five reasons more of a motivator to get moving.

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10 Simple Rules for a Healthy Life

The following are tips for staying healthy, fit and happy for the rest of your life!

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How to lower blood pressure

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is very common. According to a new study done by Harvard, high blood pressure helps contribute to 15 percent of the deaths in the United States. Additionally, the American Heart Association has stated that 28 percent of people in America have hypertension and do not even know it. You should see your doctor if you have not had your blood pressure checked within the last two years.

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7 Foods That Fight Aging

1. Avocado

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14 Habits of Happy Men

Satisfying routines and activities to help achieve happiness and health.

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5 Foods You Shouldn’t Eat If You Are Post 50

As we age, you’ll find your circle of friends to be ever changing, and the people who were once your best friends may no longer qualify to hold that job title. As with friends, foods can hold the same significance, and the items that cause interrupted sleep, clogged arteries and an increase in blood pressure are no longer welcome in your inner circle.

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10 Tips for Better Digestive Health

There are a number of factors that affect your digestive system such as your lifestyle, stress, and the foods that you choose to eat. Getting the required amount of fiber, drinking plenty of water and exercising can all aid in developing better digestive health. Your body works by breaking down the foods you consume into nutrients and if you fail to be kind to your digestive health, you could run into complications later on.

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14 Foods That Fight Inflammation

Inflammation is an integral part of the immune response and without it, it’s nearly impossible for the body to heal properly. However, when it’s out of control, such as in the case of those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, it can do significant damage to the human body. It’s also thought to play a significant role in afflictions such as obesity, cancer and heart disease.

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3 New Fat-Busting Supplements for Speedy Weight Loss

When you thought there couldn’t be more to say about weight loss supplements, researchers come out with some new information. By combining plant-derived compounds and methods of experimenting to boost their effectiveness, three new supplements can be added to the weight loss list.

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15 Surprising Heart Attack Risks

Heart attacks are more complicated than you might think. The risk is partially determined by the well-known factors of diet, activity level, and family history, but heart attack risk can be increased or decreased in some surprising ways a typical patient might not even consider. Take a look at these fifteen little-known possible contributors to heart attack and see if you may be increasing your risk without realizing it.

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15 Ways to Get Better Sleep Every Night

Adults are supposed to get an average of seven to eight hours of sleep each night and anything less can leave you tired and out of sorts the next day. Since getting sufficient rest can contribute to a healthy and happy life, you’ll find the following tips to be helpful when getting ready for bed.

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How Much Protein Do You Need?

There’s no truth behind the statement that a body is only able to process so much protein at one time, and it’s interesting to surmise as to what happens when you exceed that number.

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10 Ways to Burn Fat Faster

The following are some medically proven tips to help lose weight:

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Three Foods to Help You Avoid Heart Disease, Stroke and Improve Brain Function

Experts have stated for many years that what is good for your heart is also good for your head. Now, both the American Stroke Association and the American Heart Association have stated that the plaque buildup in the arteries that leads to heart disease can also have a negative impact on the brain.

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7 Nutrients That Help Increase Muscle Tone

If you’re looking to achieve a lean, strong body, you’re going to want to make sure your diet includes the right mix of minerals and vitamins.

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Three Super Foods to Boost that Libido

There’s no great mystery involved that by eating a healthy diet you’ll be in top shape. You may even find yourself performing at peak levels……in bed! With the following three super foods added to your daily diet, you may experience your heart pumping faster, blood racing to all the right extremities and an extra helping of yum.

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Six Quick Skin Fixes

Simple Ways to Take Care of Your Dry Skin During The Winter

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12 foods with the gift of healing

Whole foods have been shown over and over again to help our bodies function more efficiently, but some can do more than just provide the body with nutrients. The twelve foods on this list actually have properties that can help the body prevent and recover from illness, from cancer to heart disease. These healing foods can also help ease traits that can lead to serious illness, like high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

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Six Weird Signs You Are Stressed Out

1.) Vomiting

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4 Ways Poor Oral Hygiene Can Make You Sick

We all know the benefits of good oral hygiene. Regular brushing and flossing prevents tartar buildup, gingivitis, and periodontal disease with its painful, bleeding gums; it’s in all the toothpaste commercials. However, even people who brush regularly may still have bacteria hiding in their mouths, and these bacteria could lead to complications far beyond the teeth and mouth. Recent studies have shown that poor oral hygiene can cause illness in other parts of the body.

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11 Foods to End Your Bad Mood

Because many people live a fast-paced lifestyle and have a very hectic schedule, they are forced to eat quick meals on the go. Today’s packaged meals are lacking in essential nutrients. They are also packed with processed chemicals. If you constantly eat the wrong types of food, then you may become lethargic, anxious and grouchy.

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5 Ways Sex Leads to Better Overall Health

Most standard guides to improving your health will tell you the basics; eat more fruits and vegetables, exercise, drink plenty of water. They’re not quite as likely to tell you to have an active sex life. A recent survey taken by Healthy Women, a nonprofit organization, indicates that a majority of women have sex more because they feel obligated to do it than because they enjoy it. Unfortunately, these women are depriving themselves of the many health benefits sex provides even above and beyond the good feelings of the moment. Here are five examples out of the many health advantages sex can give.

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Smarter Snacking

It is possible to enjoy snacks without ruining your diet or gaining weight. If you follow these tips, then you will be able to choose healthy, low-fat snacks.

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Antioxidants from 10 unexpected sources

Some foods, like tea, spinach, and blueberries, get all the praise for their antioxidant properties, but they’re not the only ones that bring a high number of antioxidants to the table. Registered dietician Alexandra Caspero, owner of, did some research and came up with 10 lesser-known healthy superfoods.

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Surprising ways to keep your brain and memory sharp

Memory enhancement has become a hot topic in modern society. A quick Internet search reveals long lists of specially designed memory-enhancing games created by psychiatrists and dozens of pills and supplements the manufacturers guarantee will improve memory. Experts on talk show after talk show recommend intellectual stimulation: difficult crossword puzzles, logic puzzles, or strategy games like chess.

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Six Tips for People Who Hate to Exercise

If you hate exercise, then following these tips will help you get the most out of your workout.

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The 10 Most Counterintuitive Health and Beauty Tips

Sometimes the things everyone knows aren't exactly true, and that holds as well for health and beauty treatments as well as for anything else.

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Non-alcoholic red wine may be better for men's health than regular wine

Red wine has long been touted as beneficial to cardiovascular health, but a research study from the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona has found that non-alcoholic red wine may actually have stronger effects.

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5 foods with brain benefits you may not know about

We've all heard that fish is brain food, especially the kind that is rich with omega-3s. Blueberries and spinach also have notable brain-boosting abilities. However, these aren't the only foods which can help keep your brain strong and free of disease.

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7 Health Risks for Middle Aged Men

The most common causes of death for men of middle age and older are all the usual suspects--cancer, stroke, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, respiratory disease, injuries, and suicide. Fortunately, some minor changes to bad habits can reduce the chances of dying of one of these perils.

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Lengthy sitting doubles risk of diabetes

A British meta-analysis published in the November 2012 issue of the journal Diabetologia shows strong indications that extended time spent sitting greatly increases a person’s risk of diabetes, severe heart issues, and death. Previous studies have found a link between extended television watching and poor health, but this is the first study to specifically research the connection between any extended sedentary behavior and health.

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Seven Foods That Help You Lose Weight

Many people are under the misconception that food is their enemy. However, you should not get sucked into that idea. In fact, if you eat the right foods, then you will be able to reach your weight loss goals much faster than you would if you were to just cut calories. Below are seven foods that nutritionists recommend that you eat if you are trying to lose weight:

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6 Types of Food to Ease Your Pain Naturally

People suffering from chronic pain have options besides rummaging around in the medicine cabinet or visiting a doctor to try to figure out which painkiller works best for them. Certain foods have the ability to diminish pain over time. Foods containing antioxidants can help reduce the damage the body goes through when food and oxygen react and create free radicals as byproducts. Some foods have the ability to reduce the inflammation causing the body’s pain response. Still other foods strengthen the immune system, which helps to prevent and reduce illness as well as to limit inflammation.

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Young Blood May Contain Chemical Factors Which Can Prevent or Reduce Some Effects of Aging

It seems like a horror story hearkening back to legends of the “Blood Countess” Elizabeth Bathory, who reportedly bathed in the blood of slain maidens to keep her youthful complexion, but rumors persist that late North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il would inject himself with the blood of young people (presumably donated blood from still-living donors) to slow his aging process.

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7 Myths (and Outright Lies) About Male Hormones

1. Outright Lie: DHEA is a dangerous “anabolic steroid drug.”

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How Sex Might Affect Your Ability to Grow Muscle

Have you ever been concerned that sex may be cutting your ability to grow muscle? If so, you are not alone. This is an age old concern, and many have sacrificed their bedroom time in order to maximize their gym time. There is a connection, but it may not be what you expect. Here are some important points on sex and muscle building.

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The New Science Behind America’s Deadliest Diseases

These days there are all sorts of different body problems, diseases and sickness’ that people and scientists have a hard time figuring out exactly what is causing them; there are just so many different factors. But what some do not realize is that heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, stroke and cancer have a lot in common. All of these, for certain, have one thing in common; scientists have found a connection from each of these to a condition called chronic inflammation. Along with this, they are also studying how a diet that is high in fatty foods, as well as having an exuberance of body weight, can also increase the risk for fatal disorders.

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Renown Health Products Ushers In New Year With Two New Products: Natural Products Company Adopts New Name to Reflect Mission, Vision

Renown Health Products ( is ushering in the new year with the release of two new products that will further solidify its national position as one of the leading developers of best-in-class, physician-developed natural products designed to provide customers with better and longer lives.

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Antioxidants are part of a healthy diet and protect you against environmental toxins

What’s an antioxidant?

Antioxidants are vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals (plant nutrients) that protect your body against cell damage by free radicals.

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Natural Weight Loss Tips

Stop investing in grapefruits and just say no to fad dieting.

No need to rehash the statistics, we simply have to start cutting down on calories. Fad diets like the famous grapefruit fast are only quick fixes. The weight drops because your caloric intake drops. But if you go back to the same way of eating, what good is having invested in the grapefruit industry? If you really want to lose weight and keep it off then use your hard, earned dollars to buy healthy food and natural dieting supplements. Use your mind to learn about lifestyle changes which will promote weight loss.

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The Best 7 Herbal and Nutritional Supplements that Help You Lose Weight

Use this list when you order online or visit the health food store.

There’s no need to rehash recent pharmaceutical diet drug disasters. Let’s face it; most herbal and nutritional supplements are a lot safer for your system. Your doctor may disagree, but now there are definitive studies on the efficacy of certain herbal and nutritional supplements in weight loss.

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Weight gain: Don’t blame it all on eating too many calories.

Researchers are looking at overeating as a RESULT of underlying biological causes.

Often it’s merely a symptom of imbalances in your body’s biological system caused by stress, lack of sleep, medications, hormonal imbalances or actual medical conditions.

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Exercise and Weight Gain Explained. Weigh in on the facts: Losing weight depends not only what you eat but also on the type of exercise you do

Here’s some interesting new research being published that will make you think twice about doing those biweekly, strenuous workouts at your local health club. Those sweaty, hour-long aerobics sessions actually make you gain weight!

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Want to lose weight? Lay Off the Laxatives.

The Simple Truth:

You can’t trick your body into losing weight by taking laxatives; your body is smarter than you. Those two pounds you lose after taking a laxative are not fat. What you see in the bowl is mostly water. In a few days, as you rehydrate, these lost pounds reappear.

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